About us

The Freiburg Centre for Music Research and Teaching (Freiburger Forschungs- und Lehrzentrum Musik, FZM) is a joint institute of the Freiburg University of Music and the University of Freiburg. Here, the music-related research and teaching activities of both institutions are consolidated under one roof, and science and music practice combined.

The core disciplines of the FZM are musicology, music theory, music physiology & musicians’ medicine and music pedagogy, as well as further specialist areas with a music-related focus based on interdisciplinary cooperation. The innovative linking of previously separate subjects, both in terms of institutions and disciplines, promotes dialogue between theory-based reflection and artistic practice. It is our belief that musicians should systematically explore the aesthetic possibilities of their art, and examine them using scientific methods. Knowledge transfer from artistic research to musical and societal practices is a particular focus. In teaching, both institutions make their offered courses accessible to each other’s students.       

The FZM is one of five state centres at music universities initiated by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts. The original concept was devised in 2015, while the cooperation agreement between the Freiburg University of Music and the University of Freiburg was signed in 2019. The two institutions have a long-standing tradition of close cooperation and this pooling of their diverse expertise opens up promising new opportunities internationally. In this way, the FZM sets out to contribute vitally to the dissemination of music and music culture from a socially relevant perspective.

Summer semester 2024

The FZM undergoes an evaluation.


June 2023

Launch of the FZM event series »musik + wissen«.


April 2023

The scientific-artistic advisory board begins its term of office.


October 2022

The joint study committee begins its term of office.


May 2022

FZM conference: »Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst am Freiburger Forschungs- und Lehrzentrum Musik - Künstlerische Forschung im Dreiländereck (this file is not barrier-free)«, 20. Mai 2022, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg


January 2022

The coordination office is established and begins its work.


December 2021

The board of directors is established and begins its work.


November 2019

Signing of the cooperation agreement by the rectors Prof. Dr. Ludwig Holtmeier (Freiburg University of Music) and Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer (University of Freiburg) Press release of November 2019 (in German)


April 2019

Congress FZM: »Zwischen Elfenbeinturm und Employability – Wissenstransfer als Herausforderung musikbezogener Forschung (this file is not barrier-free)«, 10-12 April 2019, Freiburg University of Music


October 2018

Internal research meeting »Forschung – Praxis – Kunst«


April 2016

Kick-off event for the FZM - Freiburger Forschungs- und Lehrzentrum Musik



Approval of the music university's application for the state centre »Freiburger Forschungs- und Lehrzentrum Musik« in cooperation with the University of Freiburg, by minister Theresia Bauer (MWK BW) Press release of October 2015 (in German)



»Zukunftskonferenz Musikhochschulen« of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK BW)  Report of the MWK BW (in German)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudia Spahn | Music physiology & musicians’ medicine, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Director

Prof. Dr. Joachim Grage | Scandinavian studies, Universität Freiburg, Vice Director

Prof. Dr. Hans Aerts | Music theory, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lessing | Music education (instrumental and vocal pedagogy), Hochschule für Musik Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer | Practical theology, Universität Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Anna Schreurs-Morét | Art History, Universität Freiburg 

Dr. Dagmar Danko | Head of the FZM coordination office

Contact: d.dankomh-freiburg.de

In the summer semester 2023 we launched the event series »musik + wissen – Die Veranstaltungsreihe des FZM« with lectures and music in the Humboldtsaal in the city centre of Freiburg. Previous and upcoming dates: 28.06.2023, 10.07.2023, 22.11.2023, 03.07.2024, 20.11.2024  and 06.02.2025.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudia Spahn
Phone: 0761/31915-49

Dr. Dagmar Danko
Coordination Office


»musik + wissen«, the FZM event series, will be back on 6 February 2025, 6 pm, in the Archäologische Sammlung of the University of Freiburg!